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Quick Search | Physicians Directories | Medical Centers Directories

Quick Search - go to top

WebMD Physician Locator - physican directory by specialty and location.
AMA Physician Directory - physician locator by specialty, state, city and zip code.
Internet Listings for Physicians - physician locator by specialty, state, city and zip code.
Rating medical centers - finds and rates physicians by name.
Certified Physicians
AIM DocFinder - nonprofit organization providing a health professional licensing database.


Other Physician Directories - go to top

Find a Doctor
Dermatologist Directory: American Academy of Dermatology
Gynecology & Obstetrics Directory
Eye Doctor Directory

Plastic Surgeon Directory
Plastic Surgery - 1-888-ASAPS-11 (272-7711)
Orthopedic Surgeons Directory (AAOS)

Medical Centers - go to top

The Women's Clinic
Lung Cancer Programs